The Intrepid Private Capital Group has satisfied the funding requirements of client organizations world-wide for many years in what might – usually – be referred to as “normal times”. No one can deny that today, we are dealing with unprecedented “Pandemic” times.
As hard as it may be to believe, there are actually some exciting silver linings emerging from the COVID-19 crisis that may serve as enablers for the funding industry and the global business community. Perhaps we may all be able to take advantage of a rare window of opportunity.
Intrepid Private Capital Group is developed and rare and unique capital relationship with capabilities for funding that are nothing short of awesome and apply as follows:
- Support for clients in the Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Agriculture and Services Industries vulnerable to the Pandemic – Intrepid Private Capital Group is offering loans to companies in need and, if necessary, offers equity investments, as well.
- Intrepid has the capacity to cover the payment risks of financial institutions – a substantial advantage in the provision of trade financing to companies importing and exporting goods. This is particularly beneficial to small and medium-sized enterprises involved in global supply chains.
- Additionally, it should be noted that the Intrepid Private Capital Group has the ability to offer Risk-Mitigated, Sub-Market T&C Advantaged and Non-Recourse Funding.
Intrepid Private Capital Group is poised to bring these new and innovative funding opportunities to businesses in need at this critical time.
Contact us today – we are ready to bring our unique and valuable services forward to your benefit.